We have puppies!!!
We have a new litter and another one on the way. Tillie's litter, was born on Saturday, September 7, 2024. Currently, one male is available. Greta is due next week!
Our mommas have gorgeous puppies with fantastic, loving personalities.
If you would like to adopt a puppy, please contact us by phone for an application. Once we receive the application and the $350 non-refundable deposit, we will place your name next to the upcoming available gender of your choice.
Puppy Prices:
Males - $1,800 Females - $1,500
Our adoption prices will increase on January 1, 2025. The new price for our puppies will be: Males - $2,000, Females $1,800. For those who are planning to adopt a Schutzhaus puppy, if the deposit is paid before January 1, 2025, they will be locked in to our current prices and their adoption fee will not increase.
I highly recommend NuVet supplement for the first year.
(800) 474-7044 or Email: contact@nuvet.com
When ordering please provide this Special Order code #576110.
Our puppies are adopted as pets only. NO BREEEDING RIGHTS will be sold for any of our puppies. They are AKC registered and microchipped.
Tillie had her puppies on Saturday, September 7, 2024. She had 3 males and 1 female. All of the puppies appear to be black and tan saddlebacks. We predict this litter to go home after October 26. This litter will have a mild-moderate energy level. Tillie is a shorter, but very heavy boned GSD. She is around 100 pounds and is still growing. Tillie's puppies get very tall and muscular. Tillie is very sweet and loves to play fetch.
Kaiser is also large and weighs approximately 115 pounds. This pairing will be excellent for taking long walks, going on family vacations, and hanging out with family in whatever they are doing. We predict this litter will be intelligent, loving, and easy to train.
Tillie is a dark, almost red, black and tan saddleback. Kaiser is a black and cream saddleback. If you are interested in a Tillie litter, reserve quickly. Tillie/Kaiser puppies are adopted quickly.
NOTE: I will be contacting everyone who has a puppy reserved on Tillie's litter. If they have a yes by their name, they will be ready for a puppy when they are ready to go home.
1. Male - A. Burris (Missouri) may move to Gina, 1st male choice
1. Female - M. Green (Missouri) may move to Mia, 2nd female choice
2. Male - L. Himley (Illinois)
3. Male- Available
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